Sensible Coffee

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Flagship info site for Sensible Coffee. Sensible Coffee is Sensible Development’s coffee auction umbrella website. It includes specialty coffee auctions run and facilitated by Sensible Coffee and auctions operated by private clients.

There are a few features on this site that I’m particularly proud of:

Firstly, the auction calendar on the homepage. Administrators can add a new auction that is coming up to the calendar and it will display in order of date. Once the date and time is surpassed, the auction will be highlighted and allow users to click through to the active auction! (the auctions are hosted on a separate Java based webapp). Once the auction is marked as complete by the administrator it will move into the Auction Results page.

Auction Calendar section

Secondly, a client location map this map displays where each of Sensible’s auction clients are located throughout the world. I achieved this using a <map> tag. Each <area> in the map is paired with a small popup modal-like box that lists the clients that are in that region. I wrote a JS script and CSS to control the display of the boxes when the user hovers on the markers on the map.

Client location map with Brazil as an example

My role in this project was to build the initial site and provide ongoing support and updates when required by the Managing director and creative lead.


  • Site Build.
  • Site maintenance
  • Technical specification in collaboration with managers and creative lead.
  • Design input.
  • Custom features including a client map and auction calendar.
  • Mailchimp integration.
  • Ecommerce setup and integration.

Technologies Used:

  • PHP, CSS, JS, jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Mailchimp
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